We’ve been championing workplace health and safety for decades, proactively working with host employers and our workforce. Our approach incorporates specific industry and client challenges in order to better protect employee health, safety and wellbeing.
Acclaimed Workforces provides a range of injury prevention and safety management services that can be used to bolster safety initiatives in large organisations, or deliver comprehensive safety solutions for SMEs. Acclaimed Workforce is ISO 45001 certified for health and safety management.
* Pilot Program running in the Barossa region only at this stage.
Job Dictionaries help to assess the suitability of applicants initially and as the job changes, induct employees, and assist an injured worker return to work faster. Acclaimed Workforce utilises a trained Occupational Therapist to ensure all elements of human function are captured.
Our services include:
By understanding the exact demandsโฏof the roleโฏas laid out by the Job Dictionary, it becomes apparent what tasks an employee may or may not be able to perform.โฏ
Pre-employment screening ensures employees can complete all tasks and responsibilities of the job in which they are placed safely and without risk. Screening also provides information to help design tailored induction and training programs.
Our services may include:
We createโฏand host Toolbox Talksโฏthat directly relate to your industry, work site, job responsibilities and seasons.โฏ
Topicsโฏare of your choosing, andโฏcan include manual handling and ergonomics, working around machinery, working in hot weatherโฏandโฏelectrical hazards, to nameโฏjustโฏa few.โฏ
Our services include:
Tap into our on-site Return to Work coordinator and utilise their knowledge of your site from previous inductions, workplace assessments, toolbox talks and job dictionaries to actively manage a WorkCover claim as it occurs.
Our services include:
Acclaimed Workforce can work in consultation with you to develop training and induction programs that reduce the risk of workplace injury, improve staff morale and retention. Effective Induction helps new starters to have a thorough understanding of their responsibilities, safety processes and machinery usage.โฏ
Our services include:
Where government and industry body funded training are available, we can apply on your behalf toโฏsave youโฏtime and hassle.โฏLearn more about our training services here.
When it comes to injury prevention, knowledge is power. We give you access to online reporting to help prevent injuries through targeted safety processes and programs.
Acclaimed Workforce will also performโฏonsite workplace assessments and provide corrective action recommendationsโฏthat can mitigateโฏrisks, reduce incidents and create better health and safety outcomes for your workforce.โฏ
Our services include:
Acclaimed Workforce’s EIP is a pilot programโฏin the Barossa for our clients and other businesses. Working together withโฏ Physioactive, this program provides free physiotherapy sessions to employeesโฏas a way toโฏprevent soreness or pain from becoming an injury that might otherwise requireโฏ yourโฏ employees to take time off work or result inโฏcostlyโฏ WorkCover claims.โฏ
The most recent statistics from Safe Work Australia show that workplace injuries costโฏ$61.8 billion annually. โฏAdditionally, once a worker has been off for three months, the likelihood of them returning to work reducesโฏ to just 50%.โฏIt’sโฏtypically smaller niggles and pains that go ignored which result in these more serious injuries occurring. This makes prevention and management of injuries key for employers.โฏ
Our team can arrange specific, targeted training or provide on-site talks and safety posters in line with your requirements.
We are also able provide pre-employment and random drug and alcohol testing as part of a tailored workforce management solution.
Contact our recruitment team for more information.
Functional Capacity Testing
To ensure employees are fit for the job, we are able to provide functional capacity testing services to assess range of motion, strength and manual handling. Functional capacity testing has proven to reduce injuries on site, where manual labour is a necessary of a job.
Safety is our number 1 priority
Acclaimed Workforce has always considered safety to be our number one priority, and have comprehensive ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management systems in place. In fact, we have driven many of the safety improvements in the industry over the last 30 years through our involvement in the Recruitment & Consulting Services Association (RCSA). This was acknowledged by the RCSA, who named their safety award after our affiliate company, the Bayside Group’s former employee, the late Malcolm McLean.