Report an Injury, Incident or Hazard

Report an Injury, Incident or Hazard

Workplace safety is our priority

Acclaimed Workforce is committed to your continued wellbeing and aims to ensure you are safe from injury and risk while at work. No business practice is more important to us than our Health, Safety and Environment policies and procedures.

The effectiveness of our workplace safety systems depends greatly on your commitment and support.

If you are injured at work, please report the incident, no matter how minor, to your supervisor and your consultant immediately. As your employer, it is our legal obligation to register any injuries you sustain in the workplace. 

Submit Report

 If you’re injured at work: 

  • Immediately report your injury to your supervisor and seek first aid if necessary.
  • Contact your consultant as soon as possible to complete an Injury, Incident and Near Miss Report.
  • If you need to see a doctor, you must obtain a WorkCover Certificate of Capacity. Advise the staff at the medical centre to send the invoice to Acclaimed Workforce.
  • If you need time off work because of your injury, you must complete a Workers Compensation Claim form. Your consultant can assist you with completing the forms.
  • All documentation must be completed in full, signed and received by our office before any WorkCover payments can be made.

We want to hear from you if:

  • You have been injured in the workplace 
  • There has been an incident in the workplace 
  • You have identified an issue that may impact on your safety 
  • You have identified an actual or potential hazard in the workplace 

This form will be sent directly to our Health, Safety & Environment Manager.

Submit report

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