It’s clear the pandemic has had a significant and wide-reaching impact on people’s mental health, the extent of which cannot yet be fully known. Statistics show that the semi-skilled, trades and agriculture industries already see some of the highest rates of mental ill-health within Australia’s workforce. Couple this with a pandemic and addressing the mental health and wellbeing of employees should be a priority for employers within this sector. Not only is it ethical, but it also ensures compliance and improves business outcomes.
A 2021 study found that the economic impact of mental health-related absenteeism for employers was $4.7 billion per year, while SafeWork NSW found that employees with moderate mental ill-health took an average of six additional sick days annually compared to their mentally healthy counterparts.
In light of R U OK Day on September 9, we’ve consolidated a range of articles and podcasts relating to employee mental health that Acclaimed Workforce has published since the beginning of the pandemic. These include information on everything from changing your workforce’s attitudes about mental health, to tips on creating a psychologically safe workplace.
As well as this, we’re sharing R U OK Day’s simple advice on how to ask employees if they’re really ok. Because while developing early help-seeking programs and building resilience are indeed crucial for creating healthy workplaces, sometimes a simple question posed in the right way can make all the difference.
R U OK? has developed four steps to help you navigate a conversation with someone you're worried about. Though these steps can be applied in any environment, employers and managers can use these as a way to begin a more open conversation about mental health, which can be particularly challenging in male-dominated workplaces.
Step 1: Ask are you ok?
Step 2: Listen with an open mind
Step 3: Encourage action
Step 4: Check in
You can access more information and resources on R U OK Day here.
If you’re looking for staff or require guidance on ensuring you’re compliant with workplace best practice, contact Acclaimed Workforce today.